Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cousin Leona and Ron Sunseri

On the 7Th our Cousin Leona came to visit on the way to Yellow Stone to work the summer there we met them at Moms and took a couple of pictures with all of us. Pat and I went to visit them where they left their Motor Home by Mountain springs, had a good visit there and mom brought Leona some books to read. Leona looks good and is like us health conscious and uses all kinds of herbs to stay well.Leona is a stanch Democrat and the rest of are Republicans and therefore have differing views of our present President and his plans, she has great hopes for what is happening and will yet happen in the future and doesn't understand our views. I hope she is right and the rest of us are wrong but have my doubts about that. William, Laurie, and all of the kids will be here for the weekend if the 12Th and Easter Sunday get together. Thinking of you always Love Papa & Nana

Friday, March 13, 2009

This was taken today when Susan came from Colorado and April and Taina came with Mason and MaiLee for a birthday party for Mason and to see Great Great Grandma. Susan is on her way to Douglas' house with Hayden and McKenzie, and will be there until Monday.